12 Awesome Celebrity Dads In The World

These awesome Dads have great popularity and the extra charismatic factor that make them the awesome dads in the world. Which celebrity Dad do you adore best?

Matt Damon

1. Hollywood Star Dad – Matt Damon

A for amazing to this successful man as an actor, producer and a father. Dad to four children, Alexia, Isabella, Gia Zavala and Stella.

Brad Pitt

2. Charismatic Dad – Brad Pitt

Dad to six adopted children, Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh, Pax, Knox and Vivienne. Brad Pitt certainly has that extra attractiveness about him – his big heart!

David Beckham

3. Superstar Dad – David Beckham

Is both a star soccer player and a model. Dad to three children, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. Who’s his wife? That is *drum-roll* SUPERSTAR Victoria Beckham!

Ben Affleck

4. Best Director and Actor Dad – Ben Affleck

He has his fair share of success and failure. Dad to three children, Violet, Samuel and Seraphina. Ben’s never-give-up character is definitely a great value for his children to model.

Hugh Jackman

5. Superhero Dad – Hugh Jackman

Dad to two adopted children, Oscar and Ava. He is far from that role he played in Wolverine but no doubt, the superhero in the hearts of his children.

Jamie Oliver

6. Star Chef Dad– Jamie Oliver

Rumor says it – A real man can cook! Dad to four children, Poppy, Daisy, Petal and Buddy. Jamie is one great man that strives to promote healthy eating and had successfully persuaded the biggest fast food chains in the world to change their unhealthy burger recipe.

Johnny Depp

7. Candy-man Dad – Johnny Depp

Dad to two children, Lily and Jack. Johnny Depp wins the heart of many children acting as Willy Wonka on film. A wonderful father to his children, Johnny Depp said “Fatherhood was not a conscious decision. It was part of the wonderful ride I was on. “

Will Smith

8. Fairy God-father – Will Smith

Dad to two children, Jaden and Willow, both are young singer and superstars. Dreams do come true, especially if you have Will Smith as your dad!

Jamie Foxx

9. Sweet Dad – Jamie Foxx

Isn’t Jamie a sweet dad when he named Corinne as her No. 1 woman in his life. Dad to two children, Corinne and Annalise. A really cool father who treasure his children due to his own sad childhood.

Peter Facinelli

10. Twilight Star Dad – Peter Facinelli

There is more to it, besides the extraordinary power that Facinelli has, being an actor, a producer and a more hands-on dad than ever after his split with his ex-wife. Dad to three children, Luca, Lola and Fiona.

Jon Stewart

11. Comedy Idol – Jon Stewart

Dad to two children, Nathan and Maggie. Jon takes parenting seriously unlike the nature of his job and is a great father to his two children.

And our personal best goes to…………………..

Steve Irwin

12. Legendary Dad – Steve Irwin

An avid environmentalist who has done great service to global conservation. Dad to two children, Bindi and Robert. Steve is a great role model to his children and Bindi is a real fighter who takes after his dad.

By Crystal Tan

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