4-Year-Old Girl With Leukemia Marries Her Favourite Nurse! Beautiful!

When 4-year-old kids are busy playing and sharing their favourite fairytale and superheroes, 4-year-old Abby Sayles was busy going though Chemotherapy treatments. She was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Luckily, Chemotherapy treatments seem to be a little bit more bearable for Abby, because of the white angels who were constantly around to care and love this little fighter! Matt Hickling, a male nurse of Albany Medical Centre Hospital, just made the headline after he “married” Abby in the hospital.

Matt shared his story on Facebook,

“… my patients mother reached out to me saying they were looking forward to coming to clinic. Mainly because her daughter, one of the patients I’ve had the honor of taking care of in clinic, was looking forward to marrying me.”

“I got “married” to my patient in front of most of the Melodies Center staff, my patient’s mother and others lucky enough to be around observing. She was walked in over rose petals, and given away by her mother… Our patient shyly asked me to marry her. I didn’t hesitate to say yes, I got a HUGE hug and we sealed the deal with ring pops being placed on our fingers! We then took a stroll down the hall in our “Just Married” car (well I pushed) and headed back into the room for cake and photos.”

Watch the beautiful video here:

So today I got to help make a 4 year old leukemia patient’s “wedding” to her favorite nurse Matt Hickling happen at the Melodies Center for Childhood Cancers at AMC. Thanks to Scott Wright and the team at the Enchanted Garden for donating your time and amazing flowers and to everyone at AMC that helped pull this together in less than 24 hours. You people are amazing. THIS is why we go into nursing.

Posted by Lori Ciafardoni on Thursday, July 16, 2015

It was such a sweet and heartwarming scene. The team at Albany Medical Centre Hospital has certainly made Abby and her mother’s day.

By Crystal Tan | Video Source: Albany Medical Centre Hospital

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