10 Key Benefits Of Having More Than One Kid

planning for a second child

Having children means changes. It means adjusting to interrupted routines, coping with lost sleeps, accepting noisy and wailing household all the time but all these roller coaster rides are worth every effort, time and worry. That is why, we often hear people calling their children “precious ones” or “gems” because kids are indeed precious gems.

My eldest child is now 11 years old. There is an age gap of eight years between her and my second child and 11 years between her and our little baby of the family. All this while, my eldest had been feeling lonely, selfish and domineering before the birth of her first brother. Her life had changed dramatically after she became the big sister. Surely, our lives have changed too…

#1 Now, There’s an elder sibling in the house yo!

My eldest now plays the role of my assistant. She helps me around the house often. There have been times when I manage to “sneak” myself out of our “playgroup” for my power naps. I get my much needed rest under the comfy duvet while she minds her two brothers for about an hour or so. There have also been countless times when both my daughter and I have some girly moments together like whipping up some cakes while the two youngest children are fast asleep.

#2 Sharing love and responsibilities

Having more than one kid also means that we can delegate duties and responsibilities. For example the eldest will be in charge of running errands like a quick trip to the convenience store downstairs to grab a packet of milk or a loaf of bread while the second one perhaps can do the dishes and the third child may be helping mom to dust off the furniture and arrange the house.

#3 Learning social values and respect together

Having more than one kid also means that they play and share. Not just a simple play and share session but the concept of play and share – TOGETHER.

#4 Standing up for one another

Also, since they are siblings, they have that part of cognitive consciousness in them; whereby they will be able to help and “look out” for each other. Siblings will help one another in any occasion be it school work or during playtime. In the latter, where fights and squabbles are inevitable, siblings tend to protect one another from being bullied by other kids. This behavioural attitude highlights family togetherness and belonging.

tips on coping with 2 kids

#5 Bonding and appreciation for each other

This family bonding doesn’t stop there. Having another sibling(s) in the house also means that they can talk about their brother or sister with their friends and teachers. Studies have shown that if you love someone, you think and talk about that someone often. Therefore, this psychological effect shows the close relationship between siblings.

#6 Less is more, and more is less

Yes, having more than a child also means more expenses but we have to shop smart too especially when doing the monthly groceries shopping. Bulk shopping and stocking-up are good practice. They save time and energy. Moreover, products on the shelves that have labels like “economy pack” or “big value” in the stores are always cheaper than the tinier packets.

What is also good about having more than one kid is that their toys and clothes get to be “recycled” or in other words, passed down. As they grow bigger and older, it is not surprising to see them sharing bags, shoes and shirts. It is always an excitement to see this little mix-and-match.

#7 Learning to multi-task

Moreover, having more than a child expands our skill of multi-tasking. If we only had one child, our time and devotion are for that one and only child but the minute number two, three and the other ones come along, we will subconsciously transform into supermom and dad, juggling chores, work and social life, whilst trying to create the best outcome for each.

#8 Knowing you have more love than others

As our kids grow up, we, parents, grow old. This is a natural process. Soon, before we realise it, they are no longer little kids but teenagers and then working adults. There will definitely be a point in time when they prefer to hang out with their own friends and may end up staying away from home often. In no time, they will be talking about marriage. Therefore, if one is away, somehow we are assured that we still have “the other one(s)” with us to keep us company.

#9 A good investment

Also, from the economy point of view, kids are an investment. As parents age, kids are there to help out financially. Or kids can even continue with the family business and take over the legacy.

#10 More joy and laughter with bigger family

Having more kids also mean continuing the family’s hierarchy tree and expanding the clan. We end up having extended families and this gets exciting especially during customary celebrations like the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali meet-ups and visits where all family members get together and start sharing news, ideas and stories.

Those are the benefits of having more than one kid. As the sayings go “one, is never enough” and “the more the merrier”. Don’t you agree?

By Noreen Yek Boussetta

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