The Most Exciting And Dangerous Childhood One Could Ever Have!

Girl Who Live In The Wild

It’s rare and yet amazing for a little girl to live in the wild and have friends so unique that many will grasp and scream.

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

She has an AMAZING childhood with many friends but none were human beings. In fact, they were all wildlife of Africa! Tippi Degré, a fearless little girl, born in Africa whose parents were wildlife photographer has the most exciting and dangerous childhood one could ever have! The kind of adventure she has is one that many of us could only dream about.. if you are brave enough to ride on an elephant or ostrich, cuddle with the frog and snake and play with cubs and leopard! These animals are Tippi Degré’s only childhood friends because you won’t be able to find another child like her in Africa.

I am not sure if you would want your child to grow up in such an unrestricted environment surrounded with nature, freedom and danger but Dad Alain Degré and Mum Sylvie Robert certainly did. At least they do not have to deal with other problems that the parents living in the city did.

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Girl Who Live In The Wild

Do you wish for a childhood as free and wild like Tippi Degré? Tell us what you think!

By Crystal Tan | Photos Credit to

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