Baby Bleeds To Death After Circumcision Procedure! Is Circumcision Necessary?


Circumcision has always been a controversial issue all over the world. Just recently, a hot debate heats up after a 22-day-old baby boy died after the procedure.


Baby Ryan Heydari died just two weeks after his birth after a circumcision procedure. John Heydari and Homa Ahmadi, parents of Baby Ryan are no believers of circumcision and its benefits. In fact, they did not have the intention for his son to undergo circumcision. It was under their family doctor’s “persuasion”, they eventually agreed to proceed with the procedure.
The parents knew something wasn’t right after the surgery. Baby Ryan just wasn’t his usual happy self – he was fussing and crying so badly, and his wound wouldn’t stop bleeding. They were worried and brought him to North York General Hospital. Baby Ryan has lost up to 40% of his blood after the procedure and sadly, his body went into hypovolemic shock and he Ryan died a week later.


The parents was hoping for an answer from Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons and how they are going to prevent such freak tragedies from happening again. However, the regulators had only issued a secret ruling and gave a word of “caution” to the doctor who performed the procedure. No punishment or any statement of misconduct or negligence issued. According to National Post, “the case only became public because the couple appealed the original Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons rulings.”



“We are so shocked that we will not have an answer to bring us some peace for our broken hearts, to prevent other cruel deaths like Ryan’s and to ensure that doctors take proper care of their patients,” mother Homa Ahmadi told the National Post.


The regulators finally released the statement last month on their website, which stated that “not recommend the routine circumcision of every newborn male.” Although the doctor at the hospital was “cautioned for failing to recognize the seriousness of the boy’s condition or treating “compensated shock”, nothing could bring Baby Ryan back to John and Homa.


They only hope that this does not have to happen to any other baby.



Is circumcision procedure safe and necessary? Tell us what’s your thoughts by commenting below!


By Crystal Tan | Source: National Post

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