Important Baby Milestones Every Parent Should Know – Part 2

Baby Milestone 4 - 7 monthsBaby milestones from 4 – 7 months old

We continue in this series of looking at a baby’s developmental milestones. These milestones can be classified under the developmental domains of gross motor, fine motor-adaptive, language, and personal-social skills. Again, enjoy the process of parenting and watching the child grow day by day!

Gross motor:

By 6 months of age, the baby would usually be able to roll over from her back to her stomach and vice versa. She may also start to creep forwards or more often backwards first on her belly while using her arms to push herself along. By 7 months, she should be able to start to sit independently and stand holding on to objects for support. While standing, she may also like to bounce on her feet.

Fine motor-adaptive:

By 4 months of age, the baby would have hand regard – meaning that she would spend long minutes looking at and playing with her own hands. By 6 months, she should be able to reach out with either hand to grasp large objects held in front of her. She would be able to transfer the object from hand to hand and would often put anything she grabs directly into her mouth!


The baby should be able to turn towards the direction of a rattle or her parent’s voice consistently by about 6 months of age. She would also be making many sounds at this stage, often imitating whatever she hears and babbling single syllables.


At around 4 months old, the baby would be squealing and laughing so this would really be a fun time to engage and play with her! By 6 or 7 months, she would express excitement at her milk bottle or toy held in front of her. She would recognise familiar faces, starting to know if someone is a stranger to her. She would also like to look at herself in the mirror.

Related Post:

Important Baby Milestones Every Parent Should Know – Part 1

Important Baby Milestones Every Parent Should Know – Part 3

Dr Kenneth Chua


By Dr Kenneth Chua
MBBS (S’pore), FAMS (Paediatrics), MRCPCH (UK)

Clinic Address:
SBCC Baby & Child Clinic (Hougang)
Blk 805 Hougang Central
Singapore 530805

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