Top 10 Breastfeeding Products

bresatfeed baby_sAs you embark on the exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding journey that is breastfeeding, here are ten products you’re going to need for the road ahead!

1. Steam Sterilizer

Save yourself time and energy of the traditional way of sanitizing items via a pot of boiling water, and invest in a sterilizer to do the work for you! With a flick of a switch, you can easily ensure that your collection of teats, bottles, storage containers, sippy cups and even breast pump attachments are clean and safe.

Phillips Avent Complete Express Electric Steam Sterilizer, $182.90, Mothercare
Mothercare Steam Sterilizer, $72, Mothercare

2. Breast Pump

Even if you’re not planning to go back to work, a breast pump is practically a must-have if you’re in it for the long haul. Having a ready supply of frozen expressed breast milk (EBM) means you don’t have to worry about suddenly running dry, for example, if you fall ill. Plus it frees you up to take the occasional day off, leaving baby and his bottle of EBM with a trusted caregiver. And, for some ladies with under-supply or over-supply, your pump can make all the difference in helping to regulate the flow of milk for baby to latch well and drink comfortably.

Medela Mini Electric Breast Pump, $193.50, Mothercare
Phillips Avent Single Electronic Breast Pump $339.00, Mothercare

3. Milk Storage Trays

A more compact version of milk storage bottles, these trays allow you to maximize freezer space while still portioning out your milk in convenient quantities for defrosting as necessary.

Sensible Lines Milk Trays, $45, Pupsik Studio ( or Mumsfairy (

4. Cooler Bag

Handy for keeping your EBM fresh and cool, especially if you’re returning to work and intend to keep breastfeeding. Try to find one that fits your preferred storage bottles or bags neatly for easy organization and transportation to and fro.

Mum’s Precious Basic Cooler Bag, $29, Mumsfairy
Innosense Double Bottle Bag, $36.90, Mothercare

5. Milk Saver

A nifty little device that enables you to discreetly ‘collect’ your leaking breast milk from one side when nursing or pumping from the other. It’s washable, durable, and can fit snugly into your nursing bra cup or a snug camisole or tank.

Milkies the Milk Saver, $45, Mumsfairy

6. Nursing Shawl

It’s tricky getting a nursing room when you’re out, even though most malls do have more than one in the building. In the event that you need to nurse in public (Go ahead! There’s nothing to be ashamed about.), having a nursing shawl on hand preserves your modesty while keeping baby full and satisfied. Do practice with your shawl at home before venturing out!

Mon Petit Jardin Nursing Poncho, $38, Pupsik Studio
Peek ‘n’ Drink Nursing Cover, $39.90, Pupsik Studio

7. Breastfeeding Pillow

Cleverly built to provide adequate support for baby each time you latch him for a feed, as well as comfortably lift him to breast height for you. It’s crucial that you and baby adjust to the correct breastfeeding position early on, to save unnecessary muscle strain and aches for you and frustration for him, and this pillow will help you do just that!

Milkbar Single Nursing Pillow, $64.90, Motherswork (
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow, $72.26, Mumsfairy

8. Nipple Cream

Just a small tube of this will go a long way in soothing painful nipples, a problem that generally accompanies breastfeeding in the early weeks. Regular usage can ease the pain of sore nipples significantly. However, finding a good cream is no substitute for correct latch in the long term.

Medela PureLan 100, $12.90, Baby Online (
Lansinoh Nipple Cream, $36, Mothercare

9. Breast Shells

Another help for soreness are these simple but very cleverly constructed plastic cup shields that you can insert over your breast inside your bra, to keep the fabric off sensitive nipples, both during the day and at night. This tool can also be helpful in correcting flat or inverted nipples, which are a common problem faced by breastfeeding women.

Medela Breastshell, $26.90, Baby Online
Phillips Avent Comfort Breast Shells Set, $33.90, Motherswork

10. Breast Pads

Most women experience leaky breasts during the first few months of breastfeeding – some continue to need breast pads to contain their overflow throughout the time they are breastfeeding baby. Depending on your preference, you can use the disposable pads or washable ones.

Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads, $13.90, Kiddy Palace
LilyPadz (washable), $38, Pupsik Studio

By Dorothea Chow

This article is part of Breastfeeding with Love campaign, initiated by The New Age Parents and New Age Pregnancy.

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