Your little baby has reached a new milestone and is finally walking on his own! They are known as a toddler now. Things are not how it used to be, with a toddler moving around the house. Check out what are the items a toddler will need in the house.
Baby & Toddler
This section has a collection of articles on new-born babies and toddlers.
12 Items That A Home Should Have – Toddler Edition
Mother Who Refuses To Abort Baby After Water Bag Broke During The Second Trimester
Katy Evans’ water bag broke at 16 weeks. She refused to abort her baby, despite the doctors’ warning. The baby was said to have only just 1% chance of survival.
This Kitty Saves An Abandoned Baby
A baby boy that is about 12 weeks old has been intentionally left in a box that was meant for a stray cat. This cat did what his parents failed to do, it kept the baby warm and cuddly for hours while purring loudly to attract attention.