During pregnancy, the muscles along the digestive tract relax, resulting in food staying longer in the digestive tract for nutrients to be absorbed. Unfortunately, it leads to constipation!
This section is a collection of articles on Preparing for parenthood.
During pregnancy, the muscles along the digestive tract relax, resulting in food staying longer in the digestive tract for nutrients to be absorbed. Unfortunately, it leads to constipation!
Katie was sent to hospital after complaining of severe back pain. She had the shocked of her life upon knowing that she was 9 months pregnant and the baby was ready to come out.
All was good, Valerie Watts was expecting her baby, Noah, in a couple of weeks. Like all excited mums, she has already bought a lot of baby products and furniture for her bundle of joy. But things did not stay that way. Days leading to her delivery….
Our week by week guides are collection of tips that will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. Let the countdown begin!