Unless you were carrying him low to begin with, baby’s dropping should be fairly noticeable to you and others. Your belly will appear lower, you’ll be less breathless and able to eat more…
This section is a collection of articles on Preparing for parenthood.
Unless you were carrying him low to begin with, baby’s dropping should be fairly noticeable to you and others. Your belly will appear lower, you’ll be less breathless and able to eat more…
Breast milk is definitely beneficial for the baby but there will come a time when breastfeeding has to stop. When is a good time to stop and how do we stop breastfeeding?
Congratulations! Baby is considered full term this week. He’s still gaining weight (mostly fat) over the next few weeks, but his major developmental milestones
Our week by week guides are collection of tips that will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. Let the countdown begin!