While the fluid level has maxed out in your womb, baby is still growing at a steady rate and kicking as usual. This means those kicks are punches are going to feel a bit stronger these days..
This section is a collection of articles on Preparing for parenthood.
While the fluid level has maxed out in your womb, baby is still growing at a steady rate and kicking as usual. This means those kicks are punches are going to feel a bit stronger these days..
Your body is also busy preparing for birth! You might experience the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach hardening and ‘bunching up’ every now and then…
Baby’s brain continues its intensive development, making the many complex internal connections it needs to make for him to make sense of the world in due time. You may be overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness…
Our week by week guides are collection of tips that will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. Let the countdown begin!