On week 13 of your pregnancy, your pregnancy has stabilized and baby is growing quickly inside you! Not to mention, you have made it to the second trimester of your pregnancy.
This section is a collection of articles on Preparing for parenthood.
On week 13 of your pregnancy, your pregnancy has stabilized and baby is growing quickly inside you! Not to mention, you have made it to the second trimester of your pregnancy.
On week 12 of your pregnancy, you may begin to experience the pregnancy “glow” which everyone is talking about. You will soon approach trimester two of your pregnancy.
On week 11 of your pregnancy, your body is making changes to accommodate your growing baby, thus you may experience discomfort around your pelvis. A little bump may show too.
Our week by week guides are collection of tips that will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. Let the countdown begin!