Combi Car Seat: Trusted by 7 Million Families

Combi launched the first car seat since 1979, in compliance with high and strict quality standard. To date, they are trusted and supported by 7 million families worldwide. Combi continues to increase the quality and comfort level of their baby car seats.

Combi Car SeatTo find out more about Combi car seats, visit our Combi showroom or call 6291 0692. Combi car seats and other products are available at Kiddy Palace, leading department stores and online store Lazada.

Find out what makes Combi car seat trusted by millions of families worldwide here.

Combi Singapore
732 North Bridge Road Singapore 198700
Tel: 6291 0692
Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 9 am- 5:00 pm
(Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)

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