On The Ultrasound It Shows A Baby Girl And Out Comes A … Baby Boy? What Happen To The Accuracy Of Ultrasound?

Ultrasound shows a baby girl but it was actually a baby boy

Upon knowing the gender of the baby during an ultrasound, most parents will be busy preparing for their baby’s arrival. The same goes for second-time parents, Kyle and Danielle Williams. They have already bought pink clothing and knitted handmade blankets and head bands for their baby girl after the ultrasound revealed that both Kyle and Danielle are expecting a baby girl. gender mistake during pregnancyBoth of them were looking forward to having their second child in their family.

Apparently, in an unexpected twist, the ultrasound results depicted earlier was not accurate. Both Kyle and Danielle received a sweet surprise when they delivered to a baby boy instead…

Baby Bentley Thomas Williams was born via cesarean section after 24 hours of labour. When Daddy Kyle looked on from behind the drape, what he saw surprised him. It was only after the doctor congratulate them for having a baby boy, both Kyle and Danielle were shocked but happy. They weren’t hoping for a specific gender, only for a healthy baby. Their first child, Peyton was diagnosed with Diamond Blackfan Anemia, a rare bone marrow disorder. They wish came true and their family is complete with this new addition!

Since their family and friends were expecting a baby girl, the thrilled parents decided to announce the baby’s gender is a fun way. Watch how they surprised their family and friends by getting them to change the baby’s nappy!

According to MedlinePlus, An ultrasound is performed during pregnancy by using sound waves to create a picture of how a baby is developing in the mother’s womb. It can determine if there is any problem or issue during pregnancy. Through ultrasound, parents can find out if baby is developing well, the age of the baby, the position, and even the gender. Ultrasound results are fairly accurate but sometimes, other factors might influence or affect the results too.

By Crystal Tan | Source: Today Parents

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