Dummies Guide For Expectant Moms

Guide for expectant mumSo you have just found out that you are pregnant, what’s next? Apart from waiting for the baby arrival in nine months’ time, there are quite a few things to get ready. It can be overwhelming to find out that what you eat matters (since when are others so concerned about it?), that other parents are taking classes to get ready (what? ‘tuition’ before a child’s birth?) and that you are preparing for a baby who is totally dependent on you. Below are tips to get you prepared, focusing on what is essential and practical!

Gynaecologist and Deliveryconsulting the doctor

You do need to have a gynaecologist monitoring your baby and your health during this nine months. Appointments are usually scheduled from the time you found out you are pregnant and increasing in frequency closer to the delivery date. Usually a gynaecologist is based at a certain delivery hospital, so start looking at different price plans that hospitals near you offer and reserve your slot early. Home birth is gaining in popularity, but with all things, it comes with pros and cons. Make sure you find out about the medical risks and what preparations are required, instead of choosing home birth because it seems trendy to do so. Other delivery decision to make early is whether you are private cord blood banking and also, if you are choosing epidural. Be sure to book a lactation consultant to help you within the first few days of birth.

Planning for Extra Help

Yothings to buy for your house to welcome your babyu may want to get help during the first month when caring for your newborn. It is not so much about not knowing how to do it and having to learn the ropes or go through ‘on-the-job’ training. The basics of feeding a baby, helping to bathe and sleep are easy to pick up. You can choose a formal weekly class for parents or opt for an one-time briefing which is offered complimentary for parents during the delivery hospitalization stay. Why it is important to plan for extra help during at least the first month is that the mom’s body need to recuperate and it is very difficult to do so should you be caring for your baby alone – baby feeding can take more time than you expect.

Stocking up Baby’s Stuff

This can be made simpler than it looks. Get the basic list of things you need and start asking for used items from your friends for the good-to-haves. Check out 9 Things You Need To Prepare For Your Newborn

Planning Mom’s Wardrobe

preparing for the babySoon you will find out that your body is really changing – the office clothes no longer fit, the bra is getting tighter. Do get a few essentials like underwear, maternity pants and start digging out those loose fitting clothes hidden in your wardrobe. A nursing bra is also convenient for breast feeding your baby.

Diet and Lifestyle Really Matters

If you are a sugar or junk food junkie, now is the time to quit. A healthy balanced diet is critical as the growing fetus needs a good nutrition. Sugar is not only empty calories but increases the risk of diabetes for a pregnant mom. Get plenty of rest, appropriate exercise and drink water. Your gynaecologist will also advise on supplements such as folic acid, calcium, omega 3 and possibly, pro-biotics. Be mindful of your oral health too as some expectant moms experience gum inflammation. There are some food you should avoid too. Check out Food You Should Avoid During Pregnancy.

Related Post: 10 Important Items To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

Most of all, relax. With the above, you have taken care of the basic necessities. Enjoy your pregnancy, it may be some time before you have time for yourself!

By Mei

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