How Does Sleep Affect Quantity And Quality Of Breastmilk?


One of the worries on a new mother’s mind is the quantity and quality of breastmilk that she produces for her baby during breastfeeding! Often, many mothers will be forced to switch to formula milk because their body isn’t producing enough milk for the baby. We strongly agree that Breastfeeding is a big challenge for many new mothers, and the poor supply and engorgement often leads to anxiety and depression.


Do you know that stress affects breastmilk supply? The more depressed and stressed you are, the less milk you will produce!



As much as you wish, most mothers are capable of producing enough breastmilk for their baby! One of the major factors determining the quantity of breastmilk is SLEEP! Adequate sleep promotes healthier internal hormones flow to produce more milk supply. A Breastfeeding mother needs 8-10 hours sleep daily to upkeep her daily activities. Proper rest also harmonizes new mother’s spirit and calmness.

Not only that, lack of sleep produces less quality (less nutritious) breastmilk, which may affect baby growth. Lack of sleep leads to stress, anxiety, depression, mood swing and poor appetite.

Stressing over inadequate milk supply can further reduce the supply. To produce breastmilk, naturally, our body needs Prolactin (produce milk) and Oxytocin (release milk) hormones. However, a stressed body releases natural hormones that may block the release of Qxytocin “milk let down” effect during breastfeeding.

In TCM, anxiety, fear and depression are associated with kidney and liver function, when breastfeeding depends largely on kidney, liver and spleen function. Kidney stores our essence and supplies nutritional benefits to our newborn.

So, keep calm, massage breast to increase flow and continue pumping after feed if you can still feel tenderness over both breasts, helps to stimulate continuous milk production.

Apart from consuming more soup and confinement drink, nutritious food like pig trotters, herbs, chicken soup, fish and also sea cucumber soup offer more protein, calcium and fats that generate more quality breastmilk.

Simple herbs combination, like Red Dates and Huang Qi are good and easy selection to promote better internal flow that stimulates breastmilk production. “Tong Cao 通草” can also be added to enhance the effect.

Check Mummamia’s Pre-packed Red Dates to prepare yourself well for your confinement recovery and increase your breastmilk supply!

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