I’m Pregnant! Now What?

So you’ve just found out you are expecting – congratulations!! Pregnancy question_480

Welcome to the ride of your life that is pregnancy and parenthood. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, but as any mother will tell you, it’s all worth it.

Here at the starting line, you’re probably a little confused about where to begin. What do you need to do, who do you need to tell, what do you need to buy… read on for some things to get you moving in the right direction.

Visit to the gynae

Book your first prenatal appointment to see your gynaegologist or obstetrician to check on how baby is doing. Use that time to ask any questions you may have on your mind about the pregnancy.

Who will you tell?

Now is a good time to discuss with your spouse when you will reveal the big news to family and friends. Many couples choose to wait till the first trimester is safely crossed before making the news public, some for superstitious reasons, and others as a precautionary measure to avoid socially awkward situations, should there be a miscarriage.

Folic acid

Start to take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid, which helps to protect baby against spinal and neural tube defects. Do also eat foods rich in folate.


Don’t step into any heavy regime of weights and aerobics, but do begin introducing a regular, gentle fitness plan into your weekly schedule. This will help your body to develop strength and endurance for labour, and manage any unnecessary weight gain. Remember it is natural and perfectly healthy for you to put on weight throughout your pregnancy, however it’s easy to get carried away “eating for two”, and exercise is here to help keep those extra kilos off.

Some popular prenatal options are swimming and brisk walking. Avoid anything too strenuous, especially if you have not been exercising much previously. When in doubt, do check with your gynae.

Read up

Get informed about the changes that are happening and will happen in your body over these nine months. Some topics you may want to focus on for a start: Pregnancy symptoms, eating for a healthy pregnancy, work hazards, and baby developments.

Get connected

It’s extremely helpful to have a group of fellow mummies you can turn to for comfort, assurance, help and advice. Don’t hesitate to ring up a friend who might be that mutual support for you, or get connected online via the various motherhood/parenting forums out there.

By Dorothea Chow


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