Will Ovarian Cysts And Fibroids Affect Your Ability To Get Pregnant?

Will Ovarian Cysts And Fibroids Affect Your Ability To Get Pregnant?

Ovarian cysts and fibroids are two common conditions that can cause fertility issues in woman. Let’s go in depth to find out more about Ovarian Cysts and Fibroids and how it can be treated.

What is the difference between fibroids and cysts? What should you do if you have them? How they can be treated/prevented? How will this affect your spouse and your sex life? Should you increase or decrease hormones? Should you get surgery and what are the risks involved? Will this affect your ability to get pregnant?

We have invited Dr Roland Chieng to answer some of your common doubts about Fertility issues pertaining to Fibroids and Cysts.

fertility issueWhat is the difference between fibroids and cysts?

Fibroids are benign muscle tumours arising from the wall of the uterus. They are classified according to the location/involvement of the uterine wall: subserosal- on the outside wall; intramural- traversing the entire wall into the cavity; submucosal- into the uterine cavity.

Cysts are ‘water-filled bags’. These generally arise from the ovary. The main difference will be the concern of cancer which is higher in ovarian cysts than that of fibroid.

What should you do if you suspect that you may have them?

Seeking treatment will generally be necessary. However, the treatment methods will depend on whether there is any suspicion of cancer, and if not whether there is any interference with normal well being. Fibroids might cause heavy menses. Ovarian cyst that are large enough could give rise to cyst accident.

What are the treatment or preventive measures we can do to stop the growth of Ovarian Cysts And Fibroids?

There is currently no clear ways of prevention thus it cannot be prevented with diet, medication,lifestyle or herbs. Early detection and assessment remains the key to management of fibroid or cysts.

How would this affect your spouse and your sex life? Should you increase or decrease hormones?

There may be a possibility that woman will experience pain during intercourse. If present or found, all fibroid and cysts need careful assessment and treatment.

Should you get surgery? What are the risks involved?

Decision on surgery can only be made after careful assessment by your specialist. It is not necessary in some cases. Nearly all fibroid / cysts can be operated by key hole or minimally invasive surgery. There will be less pain, faster recovery, shorter hospital stay and of course can be considered “scarless”.

Would having Ovarian Cysts And Fibroids affect your ability to get pregnant?

The ability to conceive is affected by many factors. A minority may be affected by fertility issues after they had fibroid or cysts.

Roland Chieng Fertility and Women Care


By Dr Roland Chieng
Certified Specialist In Obstetrics And Gynaecology

Roland Chieng Fertility and Women Care
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
38 Irrawaddy Road #10-33 Singapore 329563
Tel: +65 6694 1833 | Fax: +65 6694 1823

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