40 Priceless Memories To Record In Your Baby Book

memories of babyAs parents, first-time or otherwise, we all know that time flies so quickly as our little ones grow up. Baby books (sometimes called baby keepsake books) are a great way of recording precious memories and experiences that we can look back on many years down the development milestone

Many books come with a set template of categories for you to fill in with the appropriate photos, captions and ‘journaling’, but some don’t. While you might not be able to capture every noteworthy instance or nuance of your child’s early years, here are some you definitely, positively, absolutely must remember to remember!

Physiological milestones

1. First proper smile – not the smile-in-their-sleep kind, which is typically thanks to gas.
2. First yellow poo – Yay! A good sign that everything internal is working well…
3. First successful attempt to raise head off the ground
4. First successful roll-over from front to back
5. … and from back to front.
6. First time crawling backward – in case you didn’t know, yes, babies do typically begin with a backward crawl…
7. First time crawling forward
8. First time standing up (with support)
9. First time standing up without support!
8. First successful steps
9. First time running
10. First time waving “bye bye”

Messy moments

11. First pee accident – Especially if the “stream” was aimed at someone or the wall.
12. First poo accident – You’ll definitely need a photo for this!
13. First taste of rice cereal (or other solid food)
14. First try at self-feeding…
15. First time using finger paints – capture every mark and smear!

First experiences

16. First bath by daddy/mummy at home
17. First time in a car
18. First time at water play
19. First time in the pool
20. First time holding his/her own milk bottle – also the first time you are hands-free during milk time, to snap this pic!
21. First taste of lemon – Eew!
22. First taste of chilli/spicy food – Ahhhh!!
23. First taste of chocolate – Ooh…
24. First time he/she said “Mummy” or equivalent.
25. First time he/she said “Daddy” or equivalent.
26. First time saying “Sorry”
27. First time watching TV/video – was he mesmerized, or completely oblivious to it?
28. First trip to the zoo!
29. First time playing with real sand
30. First time taking a bus/train
31. First time taking a plane
32. First family holiday – be sure to snap lots of photos and keep ticket stubs!

Favourite things

33. Favourite book
34. Favourite TV show/video
35. Favourite food
36. Favourite food
37. Favourite song
38. Favourite colour
39. Favourite animal
40. Favourite pose

By Dorothea Chow

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