Proper Skincare And Healthy Sleep For Babies: Combi Parenting Class

How sensitive is your baby’s skin and what should you do if he gets a rash or eczema outbreak? How many hours of sleep should your baby get? How can you soothe your baby to sleep?

Combi Mama Class - Dr Wong Boh Boi

These questions were answered by Dr Wong Boh Boi, Senior Parentcraft Educator from Thomson Medical Centre during the 3rd Combi Mama Class on 17 July 2016. With more than 20 parents in attendance, Dr Wong covered the importance of taking care of a newborn’s skin and the importance of a good, quality sleep for babies.

Proper Skincare for Babies

In the first part of the workshop, Dr Wong gave parents an overview of the common skin conditions in newborns. She explained the characteristics these skin conditions and the proper way to manage them. Some of the skin issues mentioned include; Erythema Toxicum, Cradle Cap, Stork Bite, Diaper Rash Strawberry Hemangioma.

Being trained in baby massage herself, Dr Wong ended the first segment of the class with a ‘live’ massage demonstration. Many parents were eager to learn from as they whipped out their phones and started to record the session. As she was demonstrating the various massage techniques, Dr Wong stressed on the importance of touch for a baby’s development, and reiterated the benefits of baby massage; one of which was better sleep for baby.

Points to note when massaging your baby:

1. Take your baby’s cue
2. Right touch
3. Right place
4. Right rhythm – this makes kneading and prodding more comfortable and enjoyable for the baby

Healthy Sleep for Happy Baby

After the break, Dr Wong shared her expertise on how parents can calm and soothe a crying or angry baby to sleep. “Babies do not know the difference between day and night. Therefore, it is the parent’s job to introduce a good sleep routine for your baby,” says the veteran Parentcraft Educator who has 20 years of experience under her belt.

Proper Skincare And Healthy Sleep For Babies Combi Mama Class

If your baby has trouble sleeping, it could be due to one or more of the following factors: Location, baby’s clothes, how you lay your baby down to sleep, and the way you are coaxing your baby to sleep. “Do not breastfeed the baby to sleep,” warns Dr Wong. “A water therapy or water spa is best before sleep. But if that can’t be done, bathing baby before they sleep will help them sleep better,” recommends Dr Wong.

Before ending the session, she listed the Do’s and Don’ts for parents should they have a wakeful baby.

• Stay calm
• Response appropriately
• Loving touch
• Soothing voice
• Communicate
• Find and treat the cause

• Overact
• “Shoo” your baby to sleep
• Doctor hop
• Self-diagnose

Jasmine Ng, 32, found the Mama Class to be very informative, especially for a first-time mum like herself. “The live demo by Dr Wong of the baby massage is wonderful skill to soothe a baby. Also, using a real life baby during the lesson, Dr Wong was able to demonstrate different ways to calm the baby while she was crying.” said Jasmine.

The Combi Mama Class concluded with a lucky draw. Parents also walked away with a Combi goodie bag worth $50.

For more information on future Combi Mama Classes, go Combi Singapore Facebook page. To find out more about Combi and their premium baby products, go to

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