She Abandons Her Baby 46 Years Ago! Guess What Happens To The Baby?

Credits to The Mirror

She was only 23 years old when she gave birth to Michelle in 1968. Where? In her Dad’s freezing garden shed in the night. She had never told anyone about it. After Angie’s teenage marriage failed, she moved in with her parents, only to get pregnant with milkman John Good. She was terrified and was not able to confide in her parents, for fear of what they might do if they knew about it. It was a surprised that no one suspect anything during her 40 weeks of pregnancy.

On the day of her delivery, she cut the umbilical cord with a ­scissor and disposed the placenta and umbilical cord in the bin. She hid baby Michelle in a bin bag in her room and secretly left the baby beside the bin. The bin bag containing the baby was mistaken as trash and was dumped into the bin by her neighbour.

Credits to The Mirror

Fortunately, baby Michelle was found after someone heard her cries. However, after countless of appeals went unanswered, she was put up for adoption.

Fast forward to 46 years later, Michelle reunited with her parents – Angie, 70, and milkman John Good, aged 84 through the appeals on the The Mirror and online media sources. Michelle reunited with her dad, John Good first, before Angie saw the online appeal. Unfortunately, John had passed away last July from cancer. For Angie, she wrote an email to Michelle, attaching a photo of herself. Michelle found a sense of familiarity, simply by looking at the photo.

Credits to The Mirror

Angie shares, “I always wanted to find her, but I didn’t know how. Even if I did, I didn’t think she’d want to know me… the mother who’d dumped her as a newborn baby.” She spend the last 46 years in guilt, constantly thinking about Michelle.

To her relief, Michelle, 46, was adopted and grew up in a happy and loving home. She found out the truth about her birth at 21 and that, kick-started the pursue for her real mum that lasted 25 years.

Michelle brought her two children to reunite with Mum Angie and her 3 other siblings, who did not know of her existence prior to this. They were understanding and delighted to meet Michelle. It was a happy ending for them.

By Crystal Tan | Source: The Mirror

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