Week 16 Of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Hormones At Work

pregnancy hormones affect mothers

What’s happening inside

Your baby’s face is looking especially adorable this week, now that his eyes and ears have moved to their correct positions. Bet you didn’t know that his ears were formerly in the neck, and his eyes were on the sides of his face! Well, now you know. God’s creation is so amazing.

Maternal Changes

As your belly grows, you might find yourself short of breath at times. This is partly due to pregnancy hormones, which affect the rate and depth of your respiration, and your growing uterus, pushing up against your diaphragm and lungs. So take it easy – slow down your pace a little and put your feet up when you can.

A Matter of Fact

Between this week and the 20th week, your gynae will probably be able to see if you’re having a little boy or a little girl. Sometimes though, your baby’s position will keep you and your husband guessing at the gender for a little while more!

Tips for daddy

While mummy-to-be needs her rest, that doesn’t mean she’s just supposed to sit about all day either. A little fresh air and simple exercise will do her a world of good, minimize pregnancy aches and pains, and promote post-partum recovery. So don’t just sit there; invite your wife out for a walk around your neighbourhood, or head on down to the pool for a swim. Also a great excuse for precious couple time together before baby makes three. Find out what are the good pregnancy exercises or outdoor activities suitable for you.

A quote for mummy-to-be

There is no friendship, no love, like that of a mother for her child. ~Henry Ward Beecher

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This is part of our New Age Pregnancy Week By Week Pregnancy Guide!

With this guide, we hope it will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. If you are interested, you can read about our Month To Month Pregnancy Guide Here. Now, let the countdown begin ~

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the information provided in this guide is just an approximate gauge for your pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your gynaecologist.

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