Week 17 Of Pregnancy – Expect Active Movements

First time parents - What to expect

What’s happening inside

This week, baby’s busy practicing his sucking and swallowing skills, which will come in handy for getting the milk he needs once he’s born. The squirming and kicking actions continue, and you might even begin to feel some of those ‘butterfly’ movements inside you, especially if you’re particularly attuned to your body or if this isn’t your first child.

Maternal Changesgaining pregnancy weight

Your baby is beginning to make itself felt and seen. By the end of the week, you should be able to feel the top of it about two inches below your belly button! With your growing tummy, you will feel your wardrobe is “shrinking”. Yes, it’s common to find yourself outgrowing your regular clothes (and sometimes shoes). Don’t fret about your increasing waistline, instead cherish this season of your life and preserve the memory of your new shape on film – one day, your child might want to see what mummy looked like! Of course, there is healthy weight gain (which is highly necessary for baby’s and your nutritional needs) and there is unhealthy over-eating. Check with your gynae if you are unsure.

A Matter of Fact

Now that your pregnant belly is a bit more obvious, you’ll find that family, friends, and even strangers, may inevitably ask if they can touch your tummy. You might love the extra attention – if so, soak it all in! If not, don’t hesitate to politely but firmly make your preferences known. After all, its your belly we’re talking about here.

Tips for daddy

Just about this time, your wife is probably feeling at least a little wistful for the days when she could easily slip into her favourite pair of jeans or that slinky cocktail dress. She might feel self conscious or even a little depressed about her weight gain, and anxious about being less attractive to you. Your constant support and well-timed compliments will go a long way towards giving her a sense of confidence and ease about her new body, and helping her feel good about herself. In case you were wondering, she’s most likely to shed all those extra kilos within months after the baby is born, especially if she’s intending to breastfeed.

A quote for mummy-to-be

You’re gonna miss this, you’re gonna want this back. You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you’re gonna miss this. ~Trace Atkins

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This is part of our New Age Pregnancy Week By Week Pregnancy Guide!

With this guide, we hope it will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. If you are interested, you can read about our Month To Month Pregnancy Guide Here. Now, let the countdown begin ~

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the information provided in this guide is just an approximate gauge for your pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your gynaecologist.

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