Week 27 Of Pregnancy – Tiny Rhythmic Movements

developing baby at third trimester

What’s happening inside

Your baby’s auditory development is developing pretty well, not far from the mature and developed stage. He is starting to recognize yours and your spouse’s voice. Load up on lullabies and storybooks. This is the perfect time to start singing and reading to him. Expect more hiccups from your baby during this period. Some mummies find it comforting to ‘hear’ from the baby. Although your little baby’s organs aren’t fully developed yet, he has a 85% chance of survival if he is born prematurely.

Maternal Changes

Even though there are still a few more months to go, your body is beginning to prepare for your motherly duties of breastfeeding. Your breasts are likely to grow bigger as milk glands prepare for that first feed, especially if this is your second or subsequent pregnancy.

Enlarged breasts also mean a change in your bra size! For the already well-endowed, this comes as a challenge. Do take the effort to invest in new bras that fit, so that you get ample “support” and maximum comfort. And be sure to check yourself out in the mirror before leaving the house – you don’t want to be spilling more cleavage than is decent!

A Matter of Fact

Too much food just before bed-time can cause discomfort and heartburn. On the other hand, too little food may result in midnight wakings to satisfy a rumbling tummy. Don’t eat a full dinner late in the night, but do treat yourself to a light protein snack just before bed, such as a glass of warm milk, or some fruit and cheese.

Tips for daddy

One of the best ways you can help your wife stay healthy but not hungry is to always offer a gentle reminder about the kind of healthy snacks she can and should be eating during pregnancy. (She’s bound to forget, thanks to sudden cravings and pregnancy ‘amnesia’.) You can even take it a step further by lovingly preparing a light bedtime snack for her and serving her in bed! Of course, its perfectly fine, once in a while, to drive out for supper and satisfy her hankering for roti prata and ice cream!

A quote for mummy-to-be

There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can’t get it. ~Irena Chalmers

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This is part of our New Age Pregnancy Week By Week Pregnancy Guide!

With this guide, we hope it will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. If you are interested, you can read about our Month To Month Pregnancy Guide Here. Now, let the countdown begin ~

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the information provided in this guide is just an approximate gauge for your pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your gynaecologist.

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