Week 4 Of Pregnancy – Have A Little Patience And Faith

pregnancy symptomsWhat’s happening inside

If your egg and your partner’s sperm have joined successfully, your soon-to-be-embryo will be securely implanted in the lining of your uterus and will start to develop. Although it is very small (about a size of a pin head), it consist of two layer of cells – the epiblast and the hypoblast. These cells will eventually develop into all of your baby’s organs and body parts.

Maternal ChangesPregnancy at week 5 - loving couple

As the fertilized egg becomes completely embedded in your uterus, some women may experience some bleeding. Do not be alarmed as this is normal. Pregnancy hormones are also being produced during this time, but it may be difficult to detect them accurately. So it is best to wait before you do a pregnancy test.

A Matter of Fact

There are around 30 chemicals in a cigarette smoke that can affect fertility. Not smoking during your pregnancy can reduce the risk of miscarriage, still birth, premature birth, low birth weight and sudden infant death.

Tips for daddy

This period can be emotional for your partner as she is anxiously waiting to see if she will miss her period. Be there for her to ease her fears or anxieties.

A quote for mummy-to-be

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be. ~Carrie Fisher

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This is part of our New Age Pregnancy Week By Week Pregnancy Guide!

With this guide, we hope it will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. If you are interested, you can read about our Month To Month Pregnancy Guide Here. Now, let the countdown begin ~

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the information provided in this guide is just an approximate gauge for your pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your gynaecologist.

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