Is Yoga Safe For Pregnant Woman?

yoga and pregnant_480Prenatal Fitness is good for you and your baby! The most sought after fitness regime is YOGA! Certain styles of yoga are safe for pregnant women, and can be a great way of keeping fit.

Regular yoga sessions are an excellent way to improve your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Yoga posture scan improve blood circulation, muscle tone, and flexibility. In addition, the relaxation, breathing and meditation aspects of yoga can help you keep your mind active and facilitate a spirit of calm within you. 

(These classes give you the opportunity to meet other mums-to-be as well, and the friendships and support you gain and give can be a vital part of your pregnancy and future parenthood.)

Antenatal yoga classes are an ideal way to introduce you to this type of exercise. Your instructor should modify the postures so that they suit your stage of pregnancy. Don’t push yourself too hard, especially at the start – opt for a break if you feel tired or any pain or discomfort at any point of time.

The best time to start yoga is in the second trimester, to avoid the risk of an early miscarriage. If you do decide to practise yoga in the first trimester, it’s best to stick to relaxation and breathing exercises only. Do let your gynae know you are planning to start yoga, so that he or she can advise accordingly.

If there isn’t a pregnancy yoga class at all in your area, choose a general yoga class that uses a gentle form of yoga, such as Hatha yoga. Check that your instructor is experienced in coaching pregnant women.

Avoid any Bikram yoga or other “hot yoga” classes, where yoga is practised in heated rooms, as overheating is dangerous to your body and baby.

The following postures and positions are not recommended during pregnancy:

• Postures or relaxation techniques which are done lying on your back any time after 16 weeks
• Breathing exercises in which you hold your breath or take short, forceful breaths
• Strong stretches or difficult positions which put you under strain
• Any postures which involve you lying on your tummy (prone)
• Upside-down postures (inversions)
• Back bends
• Twists

Try out this Yoga Exercise for a start:

By Dorothea Chow

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